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Open My Eyes Lord

Open My Eyes Lord . 2 Kings:6:8-17: Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying in such and such a place shall be my camp
9: And the man of God sent unto the king of Israel, saying beware that thou pass not such a place; for thither the Syrians are come down.
10: And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there not once nor twice.
Please read on till 17 so you can get the full details.

Read Also: The Mystery Of The God Of Elijah

As you can see from the above bible verse the secret of the Syrians were reveal to Elisha and he told everything to the king of Israel to beware.

There are a lot of things we do not know when it comes to spiritual matters, the Syrians gather at night in order to capture Elisha in Dothan when the servant of Elisha saw them fear, gripped him then Elisha prayed open his eyes Lord and he saw horses and chariot with flames of fire

The same way, there are people who have gathered against you but you may not know or see them because you are spiritually blind.

Elisha said fear not that they that are with us are more than they that are with them.

Dothan is a place of conspiracy, a place where they conspired against Joseph, Dothan is a place where destiny is captured, is a place of glory killers. Genesis 37:17-18

Night is a time were enemy uses to capture, enslave steal, kill and destroy the destiny of believers Matthew 13:25
If your eyes are not open you will commit errors when eyes are not open you will be living in darkness. When a blind man is been given faeces to eat regardless of the smell he will not know even when people are laughing at him he would not know because he is spiritually blind, I pray, open my eyes, Lord, that I may and behold great things

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The worse problem of a spiritually blind person is that even when his enemies are leading him to a place of destruction he will not know.

A lot of people are spiritually blind because they are living in darkness. When you can not see, you will go to the wrong places, when people are correcting you, you will not yield to their advice because you can not see. Spiritual blindness will make you take the wrong steps.

Zephaniah 1:17.. says And I will bring distress upon men that they shall walk like blind men…When you are spiritually blind you will believe wrong things. When you are spiritually blind you will hold on the force doctrine, force hood, if your spirit is blind you are in slavery and if you don’t have or you lack information you are already in trouble.

When your eyes are not open, you will marry the wrong person, marriage is not about qualification or degree I have seen people with good qualification but bad marriage.

When you can see, it is a beautiful thing on your part, you will have a foreknowledge of what you are doing, where you are going and you will be at the right place at the right time.

God knows the essence of light that was why He said let there be light. Genesis 1:3

When you live in darkness you will be falling and rising.
When you live in darkness you will fall into the hands of your enemies.
When you live in darkness you will submit your weapons and plans to your enemies. Do you know as you are reading now there are powers that want to capture your destiny the way the king of Syria was planning to capture Israel?

Who am I?
Where am I coming from?. That is tribe or origin.
How can I get information?.
What is limiting you?
Which type of destiny do I have?.
The quicker you have answers to this question the faster you will receive the baptism of fire and open eyes

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